A 4-Month Growth Program

A complete framework
to embed purpose & profit into your business so that you become a leading brand of tomorrow. 

We're currently in session. 

Join the waitlist to be notified when early-bird doors open.


You're smart, ambitious, and ready to grow. You want a business that makes great money, does good in the world, and doesn't burn you out in the process. Around here we take a conscious approach to business growth, so you're in exactly the right place. 


The freedom to be you—no compromises, no corporate nonsense.


Honestly, we're glad you skipped business school because the current model of business growth is broken. Somewhere between 'do more' and 'be more' unsustainable business became the norm. You've been trying to fit your business into a corporate growth model, and it just doesn't work.  You know there's a better way, and we're here to show you how. 

It's time for a new approach.


Your business should light you up, fuel your creative expression, enrich your life with meaningful work and deep relationships, and make great money at the same time.


It's time for a new model.

A conscious approach to business growth. 


A business model that puts people and planet on equal footing with profit and projections. A new way that ensures everything thrives together, including you and your bottom line. Inside RISE you'll learn how to grow your business the good way.


 RISE is a conscious approach to business growth.

I'm ready

Who is this program for?


Savvy Sole Traders

You've got big vision for yourself and your business right out of the gate, and you want to get the right guidance onboard to slingshot your growth. A great mentor and a solid community are everything in the early years. You'll save time, money, and a whole lot of sanity.  

Growing Companies 

You've got the passion and the killer business skills – that's why you're here, right? You're on a mission, and all you need is a little guidance and accountability to make it big. Lucky for you, scaling gigs is our jam, so you're in the right spot to make it happen!

Purpose-Driven Founders

You've got the fire, the motivation, and the ambition to match. You crave challenges and a bigger playing field to grow and thrive, and we're all set to fuel your evolution while preserving that precious freedom you've worked your butt off to achieve.

Welcome to RISE.


This program is designed to fast-track your business growth and your results. We kick off by going right to the core of your business to embed profit and purpose into everything you do.


From there we streamline your sales system and then get to growing the people inside and outside of your business. This unique framework will show you exactly how to build a business that's good for you,  good for the world, good for your bottom line - and doesn't burn you out in the process.

Strategic. Sustainable. Spacious.

Together, we'll do it in a way that is high-vibe, practical, and a completely interactive and supported experience. You’ll receive a combination of step-by-step guidance, game-changing live sessions, a truckload of experience, and access to an epic community.

You’ll also get…

More than 50+ Training Videos

These super practical videos will walk you step-by-step through how to build a profitable and sustainable business. We'll dive deep into your product and profitability, your client path to purchase, embedding impact into your business model, and the  systems you need to support your growth.

You'll receive 3 X 10-minute training videos each week. 

These are carefully crafted to give you everything you need, and nothing you don't.  You'll feel fully supported in learning the art and science of building a profitable and purpose-led business without the overwhelm.

Dynamic Weekly Live Sessions for 16 Weeks 

This ain't no boring business program, so I'm bringing the teaching to life every week in our online live sessions.  This is your opportunity to connect with me and your new crew with these dynamic sessions that include live teachings and Q&A, implementation exercises, accountability and so much more. 

Stay on your toes, as these fast-moving sessions will help you apply the program content directly into your business in real-time.  

These calls are recorded with a replay available.

High Vibe Community

You can expect to throw down with the very best type of people, in a supportive, creative and game-changing environment.

Having a support crew in your corner will enhance every aspect of your growth, so in addition to the weekly live calls you'll have access to your crew in a chat group 24/7. 

We know how important community is, so you'll have continued access to this group once the program completes. 

Monthly Accountability Checkpoints

There's no denying that accountability will radically increase your success, so we build in optional Accountability Sessions.

Within a set format, you and your mini-crew will troubleshoot, implement action items, and hold one another accountable. These sessions are intimate and action-orientated. 

These sessions further serve to expand your network and deepen your connection with a smaller group of founders - who are just like you. 

Downloadable Resources

Access my complete swag of downloadable resources to grow your team, ready to implement straight into your business.

These are practical tools that will simplify the essential systems that you need to support your growth.

These include B Corp Policies, Hiring Templates, Roles & Responsibilities Templates, Onboarding Processes, Team Meeting Templates, Staff Review Templates, and many more!

Lifetime Access to All Video Content

You get lifetime access to all Training Video content so that you can revisit the program material at any time.

This will allow you to implement the learnings as you and your business and team grow. 

This ongoing access includes access to all updates to the program content as it continues to grow and expand.

"I wish I had taken this course earlier in my business journey. What I got from RISE is what I've always been seeking. A straightforward, complete and easy-to-follow direction and structure to unstuck myself and my business. This is the first time I've felt this clear about what I'm doing with my business. I was indeed an eye and mind-opening experience, and I'm grateful for the opportunity to be part of it."
Malvina, Studio Owner, Melbourne AUS

Kind Words ...

Tess Robinson
Founder of Smack Bang


"Pru helped me take Smack Bang and my own sense of self to the next level. Over the years, she has become an extension of business, pushing and stretching me to greater things, things beyond my wildest dreams. She has helped me fast-track my own independence, leadership and entrepreneurialism fastest that I ever thought possible"

Sarah Thornton
Founder of Finders Keepers


"Working with Pru and being a part of the Owners Collective has been an absolute game changer! We feel like Pru is our secret weapon and has helped us identify areas for growth, build strategy, deal with weaknesses and align with our purpose. All while empowering us to drive our business growth and be the best versions of ourselves"

Brands Pru has helped grow:

"We had our biggest profit month ever last month and it also felt really nice and calm and non crazy. So stoked! I think it is down to being comfy with the new rates we implemented in the RISE program, charging our worth and cutting out unnecessary expenses."
Jamie, Studio Owner, NZ

Pru has been featured in:

RISE is a better way to grow.

It’s time to fuse purpose with profit.

To turn your brand into a business.  

To make your mark AND make great money.

 Join the waitlist.


We're currently in session. Join the waitlist to be the first to know when sign-ups re-open. 

Please note that this program has strictly limited places and waitlist members will have first opportunity to join.


We stand by this program and believe that if you commit to applying the teachings you will achieve results.

We therefore offer a 100% happiness guarantee – if within the first 7 days of the program you are not entirely satisfied we will completely refund your investment.

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